Protesters on Wall Street Going Strong and Inspiring Others

Protesters on Wall Street Going Strong and Inspiring Others
Protesters on Wall Street Going Strong and Inspiring Others Oct. 1 (courtesy

Monday, October 10, 2011

And WE roll on....

No one can anticipate the moment of revolution....the consistent effort of peoples all over the U.S. and world are gathering together to fight the 'overseeing eye' ie. those in control in the dark crevices of the organized structure of money and power struggle in this colossal game of tug 'o war~
In this blog my hopes are to inform and organize information as to what is going on with this ever growing cause on a global and local forefront! That being said Tuesday, October 11 a local gathering is growing at Woodruff Park at 4 p.m. to march to The Bank of America tower!!!
Those interested in participating are encouraged to bring signs, a voice and your presence to speak out of your frustrations and feelings of intolerance as to how we are being treated in our nation by the governmental 'pick pockets'!!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Awareness Bleeds

My road to writing began years ago in elementary school...the journey further down the 'rabbit hole' of life has slowly opened my eyes to the bigger picture that our earth plays as a minuscule piece to a colossal puzzle.
...just to let you know i was in a very bad car accident years ago and I suffered a brain injury so i have terrible memory loss joke...i was in Sheperd Spinal Center for 3 and a half months......i have a metal rod in my right femur, pins in my hip and i broke my c2-c3 (same injury as Christopher Reeves-old Superman) but it didn't completely sever my spine so i was able to learn to walk again plus I suffered mild brain trauma...
....sometimes I think I appear rude or forgetful when it has alot to do with my lack of appropriate scheduling, calendar recording or simply writing things down...
....i really have to make an extra effort to stay organized and doing GCA-online homeschooling with Thomas, my son, is helping force me to do that, but still not well enough in the personal department....
...i thank the creator of our universe everyday for what i have even more than i think i would have if it hadn't happened!!!
For every path taken I enjoy every breath of life, the good and the bad, with the knowledge that life is short and not worth wasting!!!
Robert Frost said it best, "I took the road less traveled and that has made all the difference.

The accidentt happened right before I entered college so it was definitely a life changing point in my path.

I just have to make those special efforts which I get lazy about quite often...

...That being said I'm on a new path in life at this point and I'm looking to open the eyes, ears and hearts of those that need comfort, yearn for answers or have blinders on to what our world and beyond encompasses...I would love some feedback from my friends as to topics you think about in life that interest you or questions you really have in life that cause you to ponder....something you'd love more information about...all this feedback will be a beginning for a design or birth of my site and down the road hopefully my first novel...thank your for your perceptions!!!